How To Handle the Bright Red Hair Dye After The Color Is Done

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Lighten up the color by washing it with a purple shampoo.

You can also use a purple shampoo to help the color look less bright and more natural. If you don’t already have one, try going to your local drugstore to find one. Purple shampoos are designed specifically for redheads, so they will be useful for adding back in some of the lost color that was taken out during bleaching. Purple shampoos also add vibrancy back into your hair by removing any brassiness or yellow tones that may be present.

Get used to it by waiting it out.

Getting used to a new hair color can take some time, so remember that it’s okay if you don’t like the color at first. The good news is that you can use temporary color rinses while your hair grows out in order to help ease the transition.

When I first dyed my hair red, I wanted everyone to know it was temporary and not my real color. Now I love having red hair! It’s fun and different, but it still feels natural.

Cover up the red with a natural headband or hat.

If you don’t want to wear a hat, you can use a headband that blends in with your skin tone. A headband that is neutral in color will match with everything and will be the least noticeable. If you have light skin, try to find one that has a slight hue of brown in it or one that has subtle sparkles on it.

If you don’t want to cover up with an accessory and prefer something more natural, then tie your hair up into a ponytail or bun (no need for gel). This will hide most of the red dye underneath but there may still be some showing due to how long your hair is. You could also pull out some strands at the front around the face so they hang over this area instead but keep them loose enough so they don’t look like they’re combed back into place too much since braids are not very wearable throughout day-to-day activities – especially when working out!

Spice up your wardrobe with red clothing.

It’s a good idea to wear clothing in the same color family of your hair. This can help you feel more comfortable, and it will make others see you as a person who has red hair. You can also wear red clothing with neutral or black clothing, but not white because that would look weird. If you want to wear grey clothes with your red hair, then go for it!

Find ways to blend in the color until it fades.

Now that you’ve dyed your hair, the next step is to find ways to blend in the color until it fades. If you do not have many people around you who have red hair, this will be the biggest challenge for most people.

If there are no other redheads around, then blending in can be much harder. As a rule of thumb, try not to use any products on your hair that would make it more noticeable or stand out too much from surrounding colors. For example: if there are lots of blondes and brunettes around you, then stay away from overly bright colors like pink or purple because they stand out too much compared to other colors (blonde). Instead opt for cool toned browns like dark chocolate browns instead of warm tones like chestnuts/caramel-like shades – these look very natural on almost everyone!

The most important thing is to find ways to conceal or cover up any parts where dye may still show through after washing off immediately after dying; especially at first while dyeing process is still fresh enough (this helps avoid embarrassing situations later when taking public transportation). Here’s how…

Apply a black or brown rinse over the color to tone it down.

Rinse in black or brown hair dye over the red color to tone it down.

  • Do not leave the black or brown rinse on for a long time. Wash out after a few minutes with cold water only, and do not use conditioner unless you want to be more subtle about changing the color of your hair.
  • Test this method on a small section of hair first by applying conditioner to that area and then applying black or brown dye over it—you can always go back and fix any mistakes before doing all of your head!

Go lighter than you normally would until you get used to the look again.

You can get used to the idea by going lighter than you normally would. If you want to go from dark red, like me, try using a lighter shade of red dye. Mix it with another color or leave it on for less time if your hair is really dark.

Another thing that helps me is keeping in mind that getting used to the look of my hair isn’t just about what I see in the mirror or how I feel when I look at myself; it’s also about how other people react and perceive me as a result of their perceptions of my appearance.

Sometimes, red hair can be too much for someone who is not use to it but there are ways around this problem

Sometimes, red hair can be too much for someone who is not use to it but there are ways around this problem. You can go lighter than you normally would until you get used to the look again or wash it with a purple shampoo and blend in with red clothing.

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