how to apply liese bubble hair color with tips for trouble free results

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1. Prep your hair

Prep your hair for application so you can get the best results. You don’t want to have any product on your hair, because this could prevent the dye from taking hold.

  • Wash your hair the day before, if possible. This will allow any dirt or oil in your hair to be washed away and leave it clean and dry for application of the dye. If you can’t wash it before hand, simply shampoo again after applying the Liese Bubble Hair Dye just as you would with other dyes.
  • Do not use conditioner when washing your hair! The conditioner may keep some of the dye ingredients from penetrating into all parts of your hair. It’s better just to use shampoo instead of conditioner when washing your locks beforehand – this way there will be no residue left behind that could interfere with the colouring process later on down the line when applying Lisee Bubble Hair Dye

2. Do the damage test

When you dye, it’s important to check the condition of your hair. You can do this by doing the damage test, a way to see if your hair will be able to hold onto color.

  • Hair dyeing is not for everyone. If your hair has been bleached or colored before, then it may be too damaged to take in more chemicals.
  • If you have dark brown or black hair and want to go blonde or red: skip this step! Your best bet is to get highlights first so that you don’t damage all of your natural color at once when coloring over it later on.

3. Add vinegar to remove minerals in the water

If you’re using hard water, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to the water and mix well. Vinegar neutralizes minerals in the water, preventing them from reacting with the dye and causing it to go dull. Distilled water is best if available; otherwise, use filtered or bottled water instead of tap.

4. Wear gloves

  • Wear gloves.
  • Wear gloves when applying bubble hair dye.
  • Wear gloves when applying hair dye of any kind.
  • The difference between applying bubble dye vs traditional hair color is that the formula is much more watery, so you’ll need to wash your hands a lot during and after application (and maybe even wear an apron).

5. Use a bowl and brush, not your hands

Step 5: Use a bowl and brush, not your hands

The last step is to apply the color directly to your roots with a small amount of water in the bowl. You can use your fingertips or use a brush—it’s up to you! The key thing is that this way, every time you dip into the dye, it goes straight onto just where you want it. If you use your fingers, there’s always going to be some overlap with other parts of your hair which can cause problems later on when dying those areas again (like when applying Liese Bubble Hair Color).

6. Mix the color lotion and cream

When you have your color ready in the bowl, it’s time to mix it with the cream. Stir well until smooth. DO NOT SHAKE! Shaking can cause bubbles in your dye and mess up your results. You also don’t want to over-mix, so stop as soon as there are no more white streaks left in the bowl and you have a uniform color throughout (no yellowish or brownish spots). The amount of time that should pass between mixing the two products and applying them to your hair is between 10-15 minutes, depending on how long you want your hair color to last.

7. Apply the color evenly with brush and bowl

The last step is to apply the color evenly. Using a bowl and brush, work the dye through your hair. This will prevent dye from getting on your scalp and help ensure that each strand receives an even amount of product.

Begin at the roots of your hair (close to your scalp) and work down towards the ends of your locks. You can do this by parting off sections of hair as you would with any other product or by combing it all back into one section if that’s easier for you!

8. Massage it in with a rubber spatula

Now it’s time to massage the color into your hair. Use a rubber spatula to do this because it will be easier and more effective than using your fingers or a brush. If you have long hair, use the spatula to flip your hair over your head and massage the color in from the roots to the tips.

9. Blow dry your head (no kidding)

  • Heat is your friend.
  • Blow dry your hair for about five minutes at low heat. This will help the color penetrate into the hair, and it will also speed up the process. The heat from blow drying also helps burst the bubbles so that you get an even distribution of color on your head!

10. Wait for 15 minutes after blow drying, then rinse, shampoo and condition as usual

After you have blow dried your hair, wait for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Afterwards, shampoo and condition as usual. This will ensure that the color is set and it won’t wash out when you rinse! If you’re planning on re-using any of the dye after this process, then it’s best to do so within a week of application (if not sooner). The longer you hold onto the dye bubble mixture in your hair, the more likely it is that it will dry up or become clumpy—and no one likes clumpy bubbles!

You’ll have great results if you follow these steps for applying bubble hair dye

Before applying bubble hair dye, it is important to read the instructions on the packaging. The product should only be used on healthy and undamaged hair, so if you have damaged or chemically treated hair, it’s best to wait until your strands are healthy again before using this product.

In addition to following the instructions provided by L’Oreal Professionnel, there are a few things you can do to ensure successful results when using this product:

  • The best way of ensuring that your bubble hair dye application goes smoothly is by making sure that your natural or dyed locks are dry before you begin! Moisture can cause bubbles in your locks and make them difficult to apply.
  • If you have wigs or extensions (or any other kind of non-dyeable accessory), then be sure to read through these tips for trouble-free application of L’Oréal Professionnel Bubble Hair Color as well!

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