Help! Need To Find A Good Hair Salon

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Word of mouth

Word of mouth is the best way to find a good hair stylist. If you have friends or family that have gone to a certain salon, then ask them about their experience and if it was positive. They will be able to tell you what type of haircut they got, who cut their hair and what kind of price range it was in. Asking these questions will give you an idea of whether or not the salon is worth visiting yourself!

It’s also important to keep in mind that your friends may not be aware that they are getting bad service at a salon until after they’ve been going there for awhile. You might want to ask around when looking for new salons so that people aren’t wasting their time going somewhere where they won’t get what they pay for (and so that other people don’t waste money on something like this too!).

Take a look at their online reviews

Many people are hesitant to write an online review, so you can’t always trust them. Some reviewers may be trying to scam the salon and others might have had a bad day. If a reviewer says that they didn’t like their haircut, but then proceeds to show pictures of someone else’s haircut style that they allegedly had done at the salon, that’s a red flag!

I suggest reading reviews carefully and looking for patterns in terms of what stylists are good or not-so-good at doing. Also look for patterns in terms of customer service: does this stylist make appointments on time? Is he/she friendly with clients? Does he/she take time with each client or rush through appointments?

Visit the salon to check out the environment

  • Check out the environment

Visiting a salon is an opportunity to check out their equipment and see if it’s in good working order. Are there hair dryers, flat irons, or curling wands? If there are multiple stylists working at once, are they using separate stations? Is there enough space for each client’s chair to be used by multiple people at once? The environment of a salon matters as much as what you’re getting done—a dirty place probably doesn’t have clean products on hand either.

  • Consider parking availability

If you’re driving to your appointment and need somewhere to park, make sure that the salon has sufficient parking for their customers’ needs—this can vary widely depending on where you live! Some salons may offer valet service or free parking with purchase of services from them; others might not even have any available nearby street parking options since they’re located downtown with few businesses around them offering public parking lots nearby (if any).

Be clear about what you want and don’t want.

  • Be clear about what you want and don’t want.
  • Be honest about your hair history, whether there’s a pattern of damage from coloring or perms, etc.
  • Ask for pictures of their work before you book an appointment if you can’t see it in person before booking.
  • Ask about the training they’ve had, and how long they’ve been working at their salon.
  • Ask about the products they use in your hair – are these ones with good ingredients? Do they know how to properly apply those products? (A lot of salons will just slap any old thing on your head without understanding how it will affect your hair.)
  • And finally: ask them why exactly it is that they love doing what they do!

Ask about pricing in advance

You should always ask about pricing in advance. A hair stylist should be able to give you an idea of what services they offer, the cost of those services and their hourly rate. Some salons charge per hour and some will charge by the cut. This can make a huge difference if you have long or thick hair and need time spent on your hair while sitting under the dryer!

If you are interested in having color put into your locks, make sure they know exactly what kind of color you want and that they are not going to just throw something else at you without asking first. Also be sure to ask about any additional fees for things like highlights or special coloring techniques like balayage which may not be included in their base price for a basic haircut! If there is something wrong with the way your cut turned out because their instructions were unclear or incorrect then most salons will either fix it themselves or give some form of discount (like $10-$15) on next visit as an apology for inconvenience caused by miscommunication between them & customer during service session itself.”

Look for a good fit.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you’re not sure what you want, don’t worry about it. Just tell your stylist what you’re looking for and let them do their thing.
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away if it’s not working out—and don’t feel bad about it! It’s true that people sometimes take a long time to find the right salon, but there are plenty of great spots out there for someone who knows what she wants and doesn’t mind looking around until she finds it.
  • Don’t be afraid to go somewhere else if the first place doesn’t work out for some reason (even if that reason is just not feeling comfortable). You can always come back later if something changes or another establishment opens up down the street with an even better reputation than before!
  • Don’t be afraid of asking for discounts—the worst thing that could happen is getting turned down (but many salons will happily provide them). Also remember: sometimes trying something new means more than just changing your hairstyle!

Knowing what to look for when trying to find a stylist will help you make the right decision.

When you are looking for a new stylist, there are several things that you will want to keep in mind. First of all, it’s important to be clear about what style or look you’re going for and how much time and money you want to spend on getting it. You should also ask about pricing upfront so that there aren’t any surprises when it’s time to pay.

Additionally, finding a good fit is key—you should feel comfortable with your stylist and trust their judgment; if not, consider visiting another salon until you find one where the vibe matches your personality. Finally, although they can’t tell exactly what will work best on any given day (it depends on factors like weather), some salons offer free consultations where they’ll bring out different styles and let customers try them out before deciding which one is right for them.

When shopping around for a new hairstylist or salon location:

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