Get a Fabulous Shade of Blue Hair with our Blue Hair Dye

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Is it Time to Get a Fabulous Shade of Blue Hair?

If you want to get a fabulous shade of blue hair, there are some things to consider.

  • Skin tone: In general, people with light skin tones look best in vibrant shades of blue. If you have darker skin and want a bright shade of blue hair, try avoiding pastel colors and opt for something deeper or more vibrant.
  • Hair type: If your hair is fine or thin, stay away from bold colors like turquoise or teal; they will make the strands appear even finer than they already are. Instead go for bright blues that aren’t too dark to avoid making your strands look thinner still.
  • Current color: If you have darker hair (brown or black) then it’s likely that your existing color needs to be lightened before applying the new dye because darker colors tend not to hold up well against lighter ones (though there’s always an exception). The same goes if your current locks are gray: You’ll need a special blue hair dye designed specifically for older hues so as not to leave them looking brassy at best—or green at worst!

Pick the right shade.

Before you start deciding which color is right for you and your hair, consider all of the following factors:

  • Your natural hair color. If it’s dark brown or black, there are many shades of blue that will look fantastic on top of it. If your natural hair color is blonde or light brown, consider going with a brighter shade like turquoise or royal blue.
  • Your skin tone. If you want to look like a mermaid (and why wouldn’t you?), then pinks, purples and blues are generally best for fair skin tones; reds and oranges work well for darker complexions. These colors can also be less harsh than the more traditional greens used by those with dark complexions.
  • Your eye color. For obvious reasons (no one wants to get hit in the face), avoid choosing any shade that has a lot of green in it unless you have light hazel eyes—these will pick up every bit of reflected light from the dye so they look super bright!

Choose the right hair dye formula.

  • What is a hair dye formula?

It’s the combination of ingredients that make up your hair dye. Your colorist will choose the right formula for you based on your hair type, shade and condition. If you want to be more involved in your color choice process, ask your colorist which formulas are best for you and why.

  • How can I tell if I have the right formula?

The best way to tell if you’ve chosen the right formulas is by looking at how shiny it makes your hair and whether or not they fade evenly over time (you should notice no patches). You can also check with any friends who use this brand of blue dye to see if their results were similar!

Care for your color-treated hair.

After you’ve colored your hair blue, it’s important to keep up with the maintenance. Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner to keep the color looking fresh. Avoid heat styling tools as much as possible—this can help prevent damaging your hair and fading the blue dye job. It also helps to wash your hair less often (every 2-3 days is plenty), and use a color-safe dry shampoo on those days when you don’t have time for a full shower and wash. A weekly deep conditioning mask will also do wonders for keeping your locks shiny, soft, and healthy!

We hope you use our tips to get a great blue hair dye!

We hope you use our tips to get a great blue hair dye!

  • Make sure you choose a blue hair dye that is right for you. You should choose a color that will complement your skin tone and hair color. If your skin tone is very dark, it’s best to avoid purple or violet shades because they may make you look washed out. Also, remember: if your hair is naturally blonde or light brown, certain shades of blue might not show up as well on top of those colors.
  • Make sure you take good care of your hair after applying the dye. To keep your new shade looking vibrant and healthy, treat yourself to some deep conditioning treatments every week (especially if it’s winter). The colder weather can really dry out the strands so this extra hydration will keep them shiny and soft all year round!
  • Use these tips when applying the dye:
  • Be careful when applying any type of chemicals like dyes or cleaners onto dyed strands since they may cause discoloration in some cases; avoid using these products unless absolutely necessary (and even then only use them sparingly). -Do not use hot styling tools like blow dryers/straightening irons too often because this can also damage their natural structure over time which causes unevenness between colored ends vs non-colored ones which leads us right back into our previous point about needing frequent touch ups just so everything looks uniform throughout…

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