Guess What? You Have Pink Hair! Here Are Some Tips for Taking Care of It.

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Shampoo less often.

The less you wash your hair, the longer it will stay pink. Since shampoo strips your hair of its color, try to avoid washing it as often as possible. But in case you’re not ready to give up on shampoo altogether, consider using a dry shampoo between washes. Dry shampoos can help remove oil and product build-up from your hair while adding volume and texture—and they can even be used as a styling product!

Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner.

The first thing you’ll want to do when you get pink hair is use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner. This can be difficult because many shampoos, particularly those that are marketed as “for colored hair,” contain sulfates or other chemicals that can strip the color from your hair and leave it dull. So how do you know what shampoo is going to work for you?

The best way to find out whether a shampoo has sulfates in it or not is to read the label on the back of the bottle. If there are words like “sulfate free” or “no sulfates,” then great! Those are safe for your new hair color. But if there aren’t any indicators listed on the label (like “gentle” or “nourishing”), just give it a sniff before buying—if there’s an overwhelming chemical smell coming off of it, don’t buy it unless there’s another option available at your grocery store or drugstore that doesn’t have such overpowering odors!

Consider clarifying shampoos.

Clarifying shampoos help remove excess buildup and product from your hair. This is especially important if you use any kind of styling products, as they can leave a residue on your hair that dulls the color’s vibrancy. If you haven’t been using a clarifying shampoo and have noticed that your pink hair looks a little dull, give one a try!

  • Use it once per week: Because it’s so potent, it’s best to use clarifying shampoos sparingly—once every week or two should be enough to keep your locks fresh. Apply the shampoo in lukewarm water after shampooing like normal, but leave in for an additional 3 minutes before rinsing out completely.
  • Don’t skip conditioner: Though it might seem counterintuitive at first glance, don’t forget about adding conditioner after using a clarifying product—this will help maintain softness while preventing further damage from excessive stripping of oils and moisture by stripping agents found in most shampoos (which is why we need them).

Try purple shampoo to keep your hair pink.

  • If you’ve recently dyed your hair pink, you might find that it eventually fades to a lighter shade of the same color. You can keep it looking fresh and vibrant by using purple tinted products on your locks. This will help lock in the pink hue, keeping your hair looking vibrant and lively.
  • Purple shampoo is another great way to ensure that your strands stay bright and don’t fade over time. The pigment in these shampoos helps remove any unwanted yellow or brassy tones from your tresses, giving them a boost of shine while keeping them as bright as ever!
  • If you want an even more intense look than using just shampoo can provide, try using dry shampoo dyes! These are easy-to-use powders that come in shades ranging from light pinks all the way up through deep purple hues (and everything in between). Simply sprinkle some onto damp strands after washing – then let set until dry before styling normally again!

Change up your diet.

The first step, if you haven’t already done so, is to change your diet. This can be difficult and time-consuming, but it will pay off in the long run. The most important thing for hair health is a proper intake of protein. Protein helps repair damaged strands and stimulates growth at the roots. Foods that are high in protein include eggs (the yolk especially), fish (salmon or tuna), red meat (beef or lamb), chicken breast meat and tofu.

Also important is staying hydrated with plenty of water—about six glasses per day—and limiting caffeine intake since coffee can dry out your scalp as well as cause split ends from overuse of hot styling tools like blow dryers and curling irons. Finally, if you smoke cigarettes then cut back on them ASAP because nicotine has been shown to reduce elasticity in hair follicles which makes it harder for healthy hairs to grow back after being pulled out by those little metal brushes used for detangling wet hair when washing it every morning before work!

When in doubt, contact a professional.

While there are plenty of ways to figure out how to take care of your pink hair, sometimes it’s best to just ask someone who knows what they’re doing. A professional hairdresser will be able to help you find the shade that works for you, and they’ll also know how to treat your specific type of pink hair. You might even want to ask the hairdresser if they’ve ever dealt with a similar shade themselves before; if so, this can give you some insight into their experience with the color.

It’s also worth noting that there are several different types of pink hair–some are brighter than others or contain more hints of purple or blue–so make sure that whoever cuts your locks is familiar with whatever color you plan on going with before letting them cut anything off!

Don’t neglect your hair!

The top tips for taking care of your pink hair? Make sure to take care of your hair. Don’t forget to take care of your hair! Hair is important, so don’t neglect it!

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