Colorful Hair with Actual Color

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There are a lot of ways to get colorful hair without using dye!

Now, before you get too excited and start imagining yourself with a lovely head of rainbow locks, there are a few things to know.

First, hair dye is permanent (unless you want to dye it back). The chemicals in the dyes are strong and they stay in your hair until they’re washed out with several washes of warm water. A single application can last up to six weeks or longer depending on how often you wash your hair and how much hair product you add between shampoos. If you have very thick or long hair and don’t really feel like going through all that effort every three weeks or so, stick to temporary methods like food coloring!

Secondly, if your color doesn’t look as vibrant once applied as it did on the box from the store (or after mixing), this could be because of heat damage caused by styling tools like flat irons or curling irons that use high temperatures over time—so try using an oil-based conditioner after washing instead of one made specifically for colored tresses!

Violet Hairspray

If you want to dye your hair purple, there are a few different options. The most obvious is picking up some traditional dye at the drugstore and following the instructions on the box. There are also a number of other ways to get purple hair without using chemicals or buying expensive products, including using blueberry juice as a natural dye that will give your hair an iridescent look in addition to being effective!

Violet Hairspray

If you want to achieve this look without having to spend money on new products and without damaging your locks with harsh chemicals (which can be especially important for longer hair), then there’s one more option: Violet hairspray. This product does exactly what it says—sprays violet onto your tresses—but instead of being permanent like other dyes and sprays out there in stores today!

Yellow Hairspray

If you’re looking for a way to add yellow tones to your hair, there are several options you can try. Some of my favorites are turmeric and lemon juice.

If you want a stronger dye, consider adding some honey or olive oil.

Blue Hairspray or Hair Paint

You can use blueberry powder to get a blue tint on your hair. Mix the powder with water, make a paste and apply it to your hair. Leave on for an hour then rinse with water and conditioner. This is a great way to add some color without dyeing all of your hair!

Pink Hair Spray

If you want to get that pink hair spray look, but can’t afford to spend the money on an actual dye job, here’s what you can do:

  • Buy a can of pink hair spray (I bought mine at Walmart for $6).
  • Spray it onto dry hair about three inches away from your head – don’t go near your eyes! Wait for about 30 minutes until it dries completely before washing your hair again.

You can use food to make your hair colorful without harming your hair.

There’s a pretty simple way to get vibrant hair color without actually dyeing your hair. All you have to do is use food coloring! Food coloring is much cheaper than most professional dyes, and it washes out of your hair in about a week or two. It’s also easy to apply yourself—no need for a stylist!

If you have naturally dark brown hair, try mixing two drops of blue with one drop of red (you can use any other combination that will complement your skin tone). If you want highlights instead of an all-over tint, try using white gel by itself as the base first before adding other colors. It’ll be fun trying out different combinations; good luck!

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