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Blue hair is a hot trend. And blue hair colour can take many forms, from the subtle and muted to the bright and vibrant, depending on your choice of shade.

To show you what we mean, we’ve picked out eight different shades of blue for our illustrator to illustrate in their own unique style (see our Instagram feed for more). We asked them to create one piece that shows how the shade might look on someone with pale skin. They’ve also made another showing a darker skin tone and another using brown eyes instead of blue eyes.

So here’s our new blog post! Enjoy seeing how these different shades look on real people in August sunshine with full make-up and accessories too!


Blue is a colour that isn’t found naturally in the human body. Because of that, it’s often associated with artificial things like makeup or clothing. Blue can also be used as an artistic medium; Vincent van Gogh famously used ultramarine paint to create his famous Starry Night painting.

One thing you may not know about blue hair: it’s actually healthy for your scalp! There are tons of benefits to having copper-based colours on your locks—from protecting against UV damage and keeping skin young and fresh looking for longer periods of time (even when exposed to sunlight), blue hair has been proven by scientists all over the world as being effective at making people look younger than their age without any negative side effects whatsoever!

Blue hair is a great way for anyone looking to express themselves creatively through their appearance without having too much commitment involved in terms of upkeep (since there aren’t really any rules about how often you should dye/bleach these types). This means anyone from teenagers who want something different but don’t want something crazy yet, adults who are bored with their current style because they’ve had it since high school graduation day back in ’09 at least once already now wants something new again after fifteen years later…or even just someone trying out this trend out just once before next year comes around again so they don’t feel left behind by everyone else who tried doing some sorta crazy thing during summer break last year then never got around doing anything again until now except maybe dreaming about what would happen if they could go back into time where everything started changing radically fast enough ever since then might end up being different somehow down line somewhere farther away than what we’re seeing right now which might make sense depending on whether there’s some kinda law preventing us from predicting exactly what happens next based solely upon current events occurring today;

Blue hair that won’t wash out? Yes please!

If you’re a fan of blue hair, but have been deterred by the fact that many shades of blue are temporary and can be washed out, this post is for you! I’ve created 8 shades of blue hair that won’t wash out.

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