Top 5 Tips on How to Get the Best Purple Hair Color for You

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Why this might be the right color for you.

If you’re looking for a color that is deeply spiritual and sensual, purple may be the right choice for you. It’s a beautiful color that has been associated with royalty, power and wisdom throughout history.

It can also represent creativity, mystery and magic. If you’re interested in transforming your life or seeking enlightenment by searching within yourself, purple might be just what you need to add some pizzazz to your life!

What’s your skin type?

As far as skin tone goes, there are two main categories: warm and cool. A person with a warm skin tone will typically have yellow undertones, whereas someone with a cool skin tone will have pink undertones.

It’s important to know which category you fall into because this can help you choose the best hair color for your complexion. For example, if you’re looking for an electric purple hue that’s bold enough to make anyone stop in their tracks, but you also want something that works well with your pale skin (and doesn’t look too harsh), then go with something closer to blue instead of violet or fuchsia. This way it’ll be more flattering than if they were combined together!

On the other hand, if you’re looking at some pastel hues made up of lavender tones paired with turquoise highlights—and they keep giving off this “cold” feeling—then maybe go ahead and try out something warmer instead.”

How damaged is your hair?

The amount of damage your hair has will affect how well it absorbs color. The more damaged your hair is, the more it will absorb the dye. If you want to fix any damage that may have occurred before coloring, you can try a protein treatment or coconut oil to help repair the damage.

If your hair is very damaged and not able to be repaired by deep conditioning treatments, consider using a semi-permanent dye instead of permanent because they are less damaging on the strands than permanent dyes are.

Does your base color matter?

You’ll want to determine your natural base color first. Your natural base color is the shade of your natural hair as it would appear if you had never colored it before. This can be determined by looking at how your hair looks right after washing or showering, or when it’s wet.

You can also find out what your current base color is by looking at how much dye has already been applied to your hair from previous dyes, bleaches and high-lighters. If you’re dying for a new look but not sure where to start, one way to go about this is by simply adding another layer of whatever color was previously used on top of it—this will help create more depth in the final product (and will also save time).

Now that we’ve covered what type of process should be taken into consideration when choosing which purple shades work best for each individual: let’s move on!

Do you want bright or soft?

What you want to do is decide whether you want your hair color to be bright or soft. If you choose bright, then the purple will stand out more and be more noticeable. A soft purple color would blend in with your natural hair color and give it a nice shimmering effect.

Bright purple hair is harder to maintain because it fades quickly, but it also fades into different shades of light pink or red rather than brown. Soft purples fade slower and don’t change color as much as the bright ones do, meaning that they’re easier to maintain once they’ve been dyed onto your head!

What hue of purple do you want?

There are many different shades of purple, ranging from a dark red-purple to a vibrant light purple. While getting a hair color that’s too bright or bold can be overwhelming, it’s important to choose one that will flatter your skin tone and make you look like yourself.

The best way to figure out which shade is right for you is by considering what hues look good on your skin. If in doubt, ask your hairdresser for their opinion!

If they don’t know what they’re doing (and some do), ask them how they would suggest choosing the best hue of purple if they were doing it themselves. This will give them an idea of how knowledgeable and skilled they really are as well as help ensure that their advice is solid and reliable.

Follow these steps and you’ll be feeling purple in no time!

The following steps will help you select the right color for your skin tone.

  • Select a color wheel to identify your undertones: Undertones are the dominant shade in your skin that affects how you look with certain colors.
  • Identify whether you have cool or warm undertones by looking at the color wheel and comparing it to a mirror: Find out if you have cool or warm undertones by looking at the color wheel and comparing it to a mirror, then moving around until you find two colors that match yours best (this way, there’s less risk of accidentally choosing an unflattering shade). If you’re unsure about this step, don’t worry! We can help! Just send us a photo of yourself and we’ll let you know which category fits best for future reference 🙂

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