Top 5 Secrets to Platinum Blonde Hair

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Don’t skip shampoo days.

Don’t skip shampoo days.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “That’s not a secret! Everyone knows to shampoo their hair!”

But if you’ve ever been blonde, you may have noticed that skipping shampoos will lead to some pretty sudsy results. If you’re someone who can go four or five days between shampoos and still maintain platinum-level results (or even just wash their hair every other day), then by all means continue on that path—but if your style requires more frequent washing than that, there’s no avoiding it: those extra washes will give you what the stylist ordered.

Know that chemical services dry out your hair.

Chemical services dry out your hair.

To minimize the effects of this, make sure to use deep conditioner and moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. It’s a good idea to skip shampoo days if you have time, or give yourself at least two days in between chemical services so that your hair has time to rest. If you do have a chemical service done on a regular basis like me, then I recommend getting it done every 6-8 weeks rather than trying to stretch it out longer. This will keep more moisture inside of your strands while still keeping the platinum blonde color bright!

Deep condition every week.

As you know, your hair needs to be hydrated in order for it to look healthy. You can use a deep conditioner once a week to help keep the integrity of your hair strong and healthy. This will also help maintain its shine and luster, which are important for achieving platinum blonde hair.

You should choose a deep conditioner that has protein in it. Protein helps repair damaged or broken hair, so it’s important that you use something that includes this ingredient. If you’re wondering where to get this type of product, I recommend Garnier Fructis Damage Eraser Shampoo & Conditioner or Pantene Pro-V Restoratives Treatment Shampoo & Conditioner with Miraculous Recovery Complex (the latter is more expensive but also more effective).

To apply your deep conditioner:

  • Section off two-inch sections of unbrushed wet hair from root to tip before applying product evenly throughout roots only (since we’re focusing on tips here).
  • Wrap entire head with plastic wrap until dry then rinse well with cool water after five minutes (or longer if needed). Your locks may feel soft at first but they’ll revert back over time; don’t worry! This indicates they’re getting conditioned properly 🙂

The longer you grow it, the more work it is to get platinum blonde.

As you grow your hair to platinum blonde, the regrowth will be more apparent. This is because the higher levels of bleach you have in your hair, the more damage it does. The fastest way to combat this is by having a good conditioner at home and using it every day.

The longer time between colouring can also be an issue for some people who don’t have much money or time on their hands – so if you’re looking for something that will be easy on both fronts then maybe look into other options first?

Make sure that you don’t have buildup before going platinum!

Make sure that you don’t have buildup before going platinum!

Why? Because buildup can cause your hair to be very porous, which means it will absorb the bleach quicker and therefore turn out a bit darker. If you are not careful, this can lead to an orangey-golden color (aka “brassy”). You want the platinum look for white-blonde hair. And if you’re getting highlights too…it could end up looking kind of greenish instead of silvery white. This is because if your hair is porous from buildup and bleaching, there’s more room for oxygen molecules in the strand of hair; these molecules then can react with various chemicals in your dye job to create different colors.

So what should I do about buildup? As mentioned above, get rid of it first before going platinum! There are several ways: one way is by using shampoo alone; another way is by using shampoo plus conditioner; yet another way is by using a clarifying treatment like Color Oops or Shout Color Catchers (these two will also remove some color). I prefer using Shout Color Catchers because they’re easy peasy – just add them into warm water until dissolved then use as normal… no mixing needed! Just make sure not to leave them in longer than 15 minutes or else they may start damaging your strands due their strong alkalinity levels…and lastly but certainly not leastly (that was bad), go ahead and pick up some sodium bicarbonate shampoo too since it will help remove any oil residue left behind while also opening up follicles so that they’ll absorb color better once applied later on down the road 🙂

It’s not easy to get and maintain platinum blonde hair, but having a good process can make all the difference.

Platinum blondes are known for their bright, white-blonde hair. In order to achieve this look, you need to have the right process and products.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose a stylist who is experienced with platinum blonde hair and has a good reputation in the community. If possible, ask for recommendations from trusted friends or family members who have been happy with their results before.
  • Make sure that you have a consultation before starting any kind of chemical process on your hair (e.g., balayage). The stylist will take into account your natural color while deciding on how long it will take to get your desired shade of blonde without damaging them too much—which is why it’s important not only talk about what color you want but also how often they expect it should be done as well as what kind of maintenance required afterward so there won’t be any surprises later down the road when trying out different styles/colors because then suddenly everything at home might not work anymore due to fading over time which could happen quicker depending on how long each session takes place during initial visits until finally finding something suitable enough without causing damage beyond repair!

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