The Best Shades of Grey for Black and White Hair

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Not all grays are the same.

We’re all a little afraid of color, but it’s important to remember that not all grays are equal. Choosing the right shade of gray hair can make a big difference in how you look and feel about yourself. That said, what makes one person happy may not work for another. There are many factors involved in picking out the perfect shade for your personal style and life circumstances.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common shades:

Grey with a slight blue sheen.

If you have fair skin and cool undertones, look for a grey that has a slight blue sheen. This color can be achieved by applying a blue-grey toner to your hair. The blue-grey tone will give your hair an icy and sophisticated appearance that is perfect for people with light coloring who want to add depth to their hair color without making it too warm or brassy. If you don’t feel like brightening up the whole head, consider just adding some highlights instead of doing all over dyeing.

Grey that is slightly warmer than platinum, if your skin is on the warm side.

  • Grey that is slightly warmer than platinum, if your skin is on the warm side.
  • A grey with a hint of gold or copper, if you have cool undertones like blue eyes or pinkish and fair skin.
  • Warm grey shades if you have warm undertones like olive skin and brown eyes.

Ash grey for those who want to eliminate red or gold tones.

Ash grey is a great shade for people with a yellow undertone to their skin. It will help neutralize the red or gold tones, which can make the skin look muddy in photos.

Ash grey is also a good option for those who want to eliminate any orange or yellow tones from their hair. If you’re thinking about going platinum, try ash grey first!

Slate grey for a softer overall look.

If you want to look natural, this shade of grey is a great choice. Slate grey is a soft, sophisticated and muted color that makes black hair appear darker. It’s also ideal if you are looking for a more youthful appearance or would like to appear more mature. This color will help you look younger and more professional without being too obvious about it.

The main advantage of slate grey is its ability to make your skin look brighter by making the contrast between your hair and face less stark than with other shades of grey such as platinum or silver.

Smoky or light silver grey for those who want an unusual shade of grey with an iridescent sheen.

Smoky or light silver grey for those who want an unusual shade of grey with an iridescent sheen.

To get this look, you’ll need to maintain the smoky or light silver by using a purple shampoo once every week or so. The purple will neutralize any brassiness and make sure the color is uniform throughout your hair.

Shimmering silver or champagne with highlights of copper, violet or gold depending on your skin tone and undertone.

Shimmering silver or champagne with highlights of copper, violet or gold depending on your skin tone and undertone.

Silver is a warm tone, but it’s not too warm when paired with cool highlights. More daringly, you can try violet or gold shades that are warm instead of neutral. Violet has a purple tinge to it. Gold is like brass but with more warmth. Copper and blue also look great as highlights on grey hair – these are also known as “cool” tones because they have blue undertones instead of red ones (red being another type of warm tone).

These contrast nicely with shimmering silvers or champagnes—which tend to look brassy on their own—and provide some much needed sparkle!

Pearl grey with a hint of pink, lavender or blue, depending on your skin tone and undertone.

If you have cool skin tones, consider a pearl grey with a hint of pink or lavender. Those with warm skin tones should go with a pearl grey with a hint of pink or blue.

Grey can be a great hair color choice

Grey is a color that can be worn by anyone. It’s a great choice for those who want to go grey or add a little color to their hair. Grey is also an excellent choice for those who have black or white hair and want to try something different with their look.

The best shades of grey will look natural and beautiful on your skin tone, which is why we’ve put together this guide that will help you find the perfect shade of grey for your skin tone!

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