Summer Hair Inspiration

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Beach waves

Beach waves are a classic look and they’re great for long, thick hair. To create this style, start with damp hair. Then take small sections at a time and either curl them with a curling iron or straighten them with a flat iron to give your hair that effortless wavy look!

Pulled back

  • Low ponytail: A low pony is a classic summer look that’s especially versatile if you have longer hair. The trick to making this style work is to create an angle with the front section of your hair, so you can pull the rest over it and put a high-quality elastic on top. This will help keep everything in place all day long!
  • Messy bun: The “messy” part of this style name applies mostly to the way it looks—and not necessarily because it’s not as well-made as other styles are. It’s great for creating volume at the top of your head (and adding some much-needed lift), especially if your hair gets flat quickly when worn down.
  • Topknot: This simple updo is perfect for those whose bangs get hot in warmer weather—or those who just want their face exposed more often during those months! A topknot also pairs well with any outfit, whether casual or fancy, making it one of our favorite go-tos throughout summertime.* Fishtail braid/French braid/Dutch braid: These three braids are similar but different enough that everyone should have fun trying them out this season!


It’s no surprise that the ponytail is a favourite of mine. It’s easy to do, works with all hair types and lengths and is great for hot days. You can make it as simple or as creative as you want, but I like to keep it simple with just one or two accessories that add personality.

  • The Classic Ponytail: A classic ponytail is always a good option and looks great on everyone! If you’re looking for something super quick and easy then this is the way to go! All you need to do is gather your hair at the top of your head then secure with an elastic band (or two).
  • The Half Up Half Down Ponytail: This style has been very popular this summer so far – it’s perfect for those who want their hair off their face when exercising or just lounging around in their backyard garden. Gather your hair up into a high bun on one side of your head (this part doesn’t matter which side), tuck bobby pins in place if necessary then finish by pulling out strands from underneath so they hang down towards your face

Half up do

To create this style, you’ll need to curl your hair using a curling iron. Once your hair is curled and styled, pull half of it back with a clip and add flowers (or other accessories) on the back of your head to finish off the look. For extra volume, try gathering all of your hair into a low ponytail before securing it with a ribbon.

The bob

The bob is the ultimate short haircut for summer. You can wear it straight or with waves, and it’s flattering on all hair types.

Razor-straight: The classic bob is the most versatile type of cut when it comes to styling. It works well on fine hair like mine and thick curls alike, so you’re sure to find something that suits your texture.

Wavy bobs are also popular this season—and they make a great alternative if you want a more relaxed look than straight hair provides, but not as much volume as curly styles give off.

Finally, there are those who prefer less maintenance in their hairstyles (i’m looking at you). If this describes your current situation, try out one of these cute choppy bobs!

Layered cut

Layered cuts are a great way to add volume and texture to your hair, giving it a more lived-in look—no matter what the weather. If you have fine or thin hair, layers can help add a bit of edge or softness to a look. Layers also make any haircut grow out gracefully because they create movement that mimics natural growth patterns. They’re also perfect for ombre hair color because they allow highlights to blend seamlessly with darker roots.

Here are some ideas for summer hair with ombre colour

Ombre hair is a fun hairstyle that involves changing your color, but in a gradual way. The bottom half of your hair begins at one shade and gradually goes darker as it moves up towards the top. You can choose to do this in any number of different ways and we are going to show you some great examples of ombre colour for summer that you can copy for yourself!

The term “ombre” comes from French, meaning “shadow”. In this case, it refers to the shadow cast on water by sunlight shining through leaves or tree branches above it – which looks like a gradient from lightest at the bottom to darkest at the top.

Why would anyone want something like this? Well, besides being fun and fashionable, this style makes sense during warm weather because it protects against sun damage when most people spend time outside for their activities (i.e., swimming). Plus there’s less chance of burning off all those lovely highlights you spent hours perfecting!

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