Plum Hair Color and it’s perks

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Is Plum Hair Color Safe?

Plum hair color is safe if you follow the directions. Most brands of plum hair color are perfectly safe, but some brands may cause allergic reactions. Allergies to plum hair color are rare, but they do happen.

How Long Will Plum Hair Color Last?

How long will plum hair color last?

The amount of time your plum hair color will last depends on how often you wash your hair, the health of your hair, and how often you use heat tools like straighteners. If you’re able to go without washing your hair for several days at a time, then your plum may be able to stay in its vibrant color for months. The same goes with using heat on a daily basis: if you’re using straighteners or blowdryers daily then chances are that the purple will fade quicker than usual.

It also depends on which shade of purple dye is chosen by the individual wearer! There are many different shades of purple out there—some that are more vibrant than others—so choosing one that suits their skin tone best will help them achieve optimal results from their new look!

What’s the Difference Between Purple, Plum, and Violet?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, while plum and violet are mixtures of purple and red. In fact, the word “plum” itself means “purple” in several languages. So what’s the difference between purple, plum, and violet?

Plum is more red than it is purple; so if you’re looking for a true plum shade that’s not too pink or orangey, this will be your best bet!

Is Dyeing My Hair Plum Color Risky?

There has been no scientific evidence that suggests that dyeing your hair plum color is dangerous, but there are some precautions you should take.

The chemicals involved in dyeing your hair plum color are the same as those used in other dyes and are not known to be harmful. However, if you have an allergy or sensitivity to one of the ingredients, then this may be a risky option for you. Also, it is important to note that no studies have been conducted on the effects of long term use of this particular shade of hair dye.

Will I Need To Bleach My Hair Before Dyeing It Plum?

Unless you have blonde hair, chances are that it’s going to need to be bleached before dyeing it plum. The reason for this is that most people’s hair will not absorb the purple color without being bleached first, as it has already been colored with another color. The amount of bleaching needed depends on how dark your hair is and how much damage was done to the cuticle of your hair by previous dye jobs or chemicals used in the past (such as perms).

If you’re looking for more information on how to bleach your own hair at home, check out this blog post from Hairpins!

Various Ways to Style Your New Hair Color

There are many ways to wear your new plum hair. You can style it curly or straight, short or long, with bangs or off the face. You can also wear it up in a ponytail or down over your shoulders. This shade of plum is versatile enough to be worn with any complexion and works perfectly for outfits ranging from casual (jeans and a t-shirt) to formal (a black dress).

As you can see, there are many possibilities when styling your plum hair color!

You can dye your hair purple and enjoy it.

  • You can dye your hair purple and enjoy it.
  • It’s safe to say that plum hair color is a great way to express yourself.
  • If you’re looking for a bold look, but don’t want to go too far with it, plum hair color might be for you!

I hope this article was helpful in understanding why plum is such a popular hue right now!

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