How To Get Your Copper Brown Hair Color

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Step 1: Bleaching your hair.

Before you can begin to dye your hair, you’ll need to bleach it. To do this, mix up a bottle of peroxide and apply it from root to tip. Once the bleach is on, leave it in for about 30 minutes.

Afterward, rinse out the peroxide with cool water until your hair feels clean and soft (no tightness!). If any product remains in your hair after rinsing with water, use shampoo and conditioner to remove any residue.

Step 2: Add a toner and neutralize the color.

Step 2: Add a toner and neutralize the color.

Your next step is to add a toner that will remove yellow tones, create a cooler or warmer tone, add shine to your hair and even out any brassy bits. You can use it to tone down brassy hair as well. Use violet based toners for this particular color combination because it will help create depth and richness in the copper brown color.

Step 3: Refresh your color every few weeks with a gloss.

The next step is to refresh your color every few weeks with a gloss. This can be done at home, but it’s best to have a professional do it the first time. A gloss is a semi-permanent hair color that helps remove any brassy tones, adds shine and moisture and lasts 6-8 weeks on average.

Step 4: Keep it moisturized.

Now that you have the copper brown hair color, you’ll want to keep it healthy and moisturized.

  • Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner on the regular. If your scalp tends to get oily, consider using an oil-free formula. A good rule of thumb is to look out for products labeled “for dry/damaged hair” or with hydrating ingredients like argan oil or coconut oil.
  • Every week, apply a deep conditioning mask onto damp strands prior to washing them out. You can buy one from the drugstore or make one yourself by mixing up eggs with honey and letting it sit for 20 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water (this will help prevent breakage).
  • Use leave-in conditioners that contain some form of protein in them (egg whites are good for this), as well as serums containing oils like argan or coconut oil before blow drying.*Apply heat protectant before styling your hair.*Do a cold rinse every time after showering (this helps soothe irritation).

Follow these simple steps for copper brown hair minus the drama.

  • Keep in mind that your hair will react differently to different products. In the case of going from blonde to copper brown, you want a product that will keep your hair looking healthy and shiny while it’s changing color. There are many options available on the market today, but our favorite is by far Olaplex No. 3 Bond Maintenance Treatment ($21). This product comes highly recommended by hairstylists and beauty experts alike, as it helps restore strength, moisture and shine to damaged hair while preventing further damage in the process!
  • Be patient! When coloring at home with super dark colors like this one (and especially if you’re doing it yourself), it is important not to rush through any step in order for your results to look great at end result – especially when using something like Olaplex No1 Bond Multiplier ($35) which speeds up the process by making sure each strand bonds together properly instead of falling apart after just one wash/conditioning session.”

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