Did You Know You Can Color Your Hair at Home? Here’s Some Practical Tips To Get You Started

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The best at-home hair color brands

When it comes to at-home hair color, you have a lot of options. While some brands are better than others, there’s no need to be afraid of making a mistake when choosing which one is right for you. Here are some tips:

  • If you’re on a budget and worried about the cost of professional highlights or lowlights, look for an at home option that uses tubes instead of bottles. With tubes, only the exact amount needed is used at once so there won’t be any extra product leftover in your kit or on your head to waste money on later.
  • Try using someone else’s hair dye before committing yourself to buying one for yourself. Decide whether or not this color suits your complexion and personality before committing yourself financially—there’s nothing worse than spending money on something only to find out later that it doesn’t work well with who you are!

Choosing a shade

As a woman or girl who is interested in coloring your hair at home, it’s important to remember that you won’t have the same results as you would if you visited a professional stylist. At-home hair colors are weaker than salon colors and don’t last as long. This means that it’s important for you to choose a shade that is similar to your natural color, so it will look like an extension of what was there before. It’s also important for you to choose a shade that is different from your natural color, because otherwise the results won’t be noticeable enough for anyone else besides yourself (and maybe not even then).

Getting your hair ready for color

  • Make sure your hair is clean and dry.
  • Do not use conditioner before coloring your hair.
  • Avoid using styling products, like gel, mousse or hairspray before coloring.
  • Don’t brush your hair before coloring it as this can cause breakage and damage to the cuticle.
  • Do not use heat styling tools such as blowdryers or curling irons on freshly colored ends (your ends will still be wet from the dye).

How to apply color evenly

Now that you’ve chosen and purchased your color, it’s time to get started. You’ll want to make sure that your hair is clean and free of oil or conditioner, as these can prevent the color from absorbing evenly. (Hint: Try using dry shampoo on the day before coloring.)

First, be sure to wear gloves so that you don’t stain any furniture or clothing with color drops! Next, apply the dye evenly with a tint brush or comb by sectioning out hair in bunches of about an inch or two from ear-to-ear across your head. This will help ensure an even application without clumps of dye in one spot and none elsewhere!

Once each section has been coated with color using disposable applicators (provided), use clips at either end of the “bundle” secured by rubber bands if necessary – don’t worry about making it too tight because excess dye will drip off onto your floor anyway; just make sure they’re secure enough so no strands escape during application process; finally wait 30 minutes until full coverage has been achieved before rinsing out completely under warm water…

How to fix mistakes

If you do find yourself with a color mishap, there are some things you can try to get the brassiness out. You may need to purchase an additional product or two, so be prepared for a few extra bucks spent on your hair.

First and foremost, use a shampoo that doesn’t have sulfates in it (sulfates are chemicals that strip hair of natural oils). Instead, try using a color-safe shampoo or even something more gentle like baby shampoo. If you want to go all out and really fix your hair problem, use a clarifying shampoo where possible (these have been known to work wonders for fixing brassiness). Once again it’s important not to use too much product at once because this will just cause more damage rather than fix anything!

How to get the most out of your kit

Once you have your kit, it’s time to get started. The key to a successful coloring job is following the instructions and being patient. You’ll need to match the color of your hair with one of the colors in your kit. If you’re not sure where to start, consult a professional hair stylist for advice on what shades will work best for you.

Once you’ve determined which shade is most appropriate for your needs—and taken into account any desired changes in tone—you can follow the timing instructions provided by the manufacturer or label on each product (in minutes). Be sure not to leave any mixture on longer than recommended; this could cause damage that cannot be undone and may require another trip to see an expert colorist or stylist. Remember: if there are no guidelines given by either party involved (such as an at-home box dye kit), then it’s always best practice when dealing with chemicals like these ones not just because they might cause harm but also because they may fade faster than expected which would defeat whatever purpose these products were purchased!

Lastly but certainly not least we come upon perhaps one of most important pieces necessary: tools needed

How to protect your skin and hairline

To protect your skin and hairline, apply a cream or oil around the area where you are applying the dye. Petroleum jelly is great for this purpose because it doesn’t leave any residue on your skin.

Use petroleum jelly to keep dye off your forehead, ears and neck. If you do get some color on those areas, wash it off immediately with soap and water so that it doesn’t stain!

To protect against staining above the neck: place a paper towel under ends of hair; apply thick layer of petroleum jelly around edges of face; blot dye from scalp only after scalp has been covered with petroleum jelly – this ensures that no dye gets onto skin surface (and immediate washing will prevent staining).

You can get beautiful results coloring your own hair at home!

Did you know that you can color your hair at home? It’s true. And it’s not as hard as it sounds! Here are some tips to get started:

  • Do a strand test. Before you commit to coloring your entire head, try this test on a few strands of hair. First, wash and condition the strands as normal, then apply the color using the package directions for about 20 minutes or until desired results are achieved. Rinse out with cool water and see how it turns out before applying anywhere else on your head—or body!
  • Protect your skin and hairline with Vaseline or petroleum jelly before applying any colorant (look for “color safe” products for this purpose). You’ll want to use gloves when working with any chemical ingredients as well, including hydrogen peroxide (the main ingredient in most box dyes) or ammonia (which is used in semi-permanent dyes like Manic Panic). Follow all other directions listed on each package carefully because they vary depending upon whether you’re using permanent vs semipermanent vs demi-permanent dyes; keep in mind that these ingredients often include ammonia which may irritate sensitive skin types so be careful if yours happens to fall within this category!

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