Changing Hair Color is Easy and Inexpensive. Here’s How You Can Do it At Home

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How to color hair at home

You can color your hair at home if you’re careful and use the right products. Here’s how:

  • Start with a strand test. Try a strand of hair on a small section of your head to ensure that it matches your natural color. If it doesn’t, use the next option (adding more dye).
  • Choose which shade works best for you. This can be tricky! If possible, go to a salon and have them help you find the right shade for your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. This may require testing several colors until you find one that looks good in all lighting conditions (daylight, fluorescent bulbs).
  • Protect other parts of your head from getting stained by wearing latex gloves during application or using plastic wrap around those areas when applying dye product directly onto hair strands with applicator brushes or combs/brushes with bristles made out of plastic or nylon material instead if necessary

What you’ll need

You’ll need:

  • a disposable cape and cap, or a shower cap if you’re going to be doing it at home.
  • gloves for your hands and any other part of your body that will be exposed to the dye. If you have dark hair, you may want to wear them even if you don’t normally wear gloves—the chemicals can stain your skin.
  • an all-over color kit, which usually comes with dye applicator bottles (similar to those in hair salons), developer, activator and conditioner. There are also tint kits without the developer; they’re less damaging but require more time than doing it all at once. The number of applications needed depends on how dark/light you want your hair to be; consult the instructions carefully before purchasing any product. You’ll also need some sort of comb or brush so that everything gets covered evenly, but this is pretty much just common sense!

Find your right shade

So, you’re ready to dye your hair. First things first: Choose a color that’s right for your skin tone.

If you’re not sure what shade of hair would look good on you, try a strand test first. Get several pieces of toilet paper or paper towels and apply different shades of dye (one to two shades lighter than the color you want) to them in different areas such as your forehead, neckline and cheekbones. Then compare these colors side-by-side with a mirror and make note of which one looks best on you!

Another great way to choose a color is by understanding its undertone—that is, whether it leans towards warm or cool tones. If you want some guidance about what this means for each shade (and how it affects their appearance), check out my previous blog post on undertone here: https://www.whatsupwithhaircolor….

Prepare your hair

  • Before you start, wash and condition your hair. Remember to wear gloves.
  • Make sure your hair is dry before you begin. It’s best to do this when it’s not too hot, since heat can make dyeing more difficult.
  • If there are any grease or oil stains on your scalp, try using a bit of rubbing alcohol to remove them before applying the dye; it works surprisingly well!
  • Have a friend help you if possible—they might be able to spot-test some colors on different parts of their arm or hands so that you’ll know how each color will look on your head (and then maybe even let them use those spots as models).

Protect the rest of your hair

Protecting your skin

When dying your hair, it’s important to protect your skin from the dye. This is especially true if you’re using a chemical dye, as these can be more harsh on the skin than natural dyes. To protect yourself while dying, wear gloves and apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly around your hairline, ears and neck. You can also wrap a towel loosely around your shoulders to avoid getting any dye on them as well.

Apply the color evenly

When applying the color to your hair, be sure to follow these steps:

  • Apply the color evenly. Start at the roots and work it through with a brush or comb. If you have long hair, use one section at a time so that you don’t miss any strands. If you’re doing this yourself, apply the dye in small sections, making sure it’s evenly distributed from root to tip before moving on to another section of hair. Remember: if there are any bald spots on your head after dyeing and drying your hair—and there probably will be—just cover them up with some temporary spray-in color like Great Lengths Hair Extensions Spray-On Hair Color ($29).
  • Don’t leave the color on too long before rinsing it out (around five minutes should do). This is especially important if you’re using permanent dye; leaving it on longer than necessary can damage your scalp and cause redness and swelling for days afterward!

Leave it on long enough

It also depends on how much color you want to go. If you want light brown, leave it on for 20 minutes or so. For darker shades, like black or red, let it sit anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour or two depending on how much of a change in color you want.

When applying dye at home, always follow the instructions on the box and make sure not to leave any dye in your hair longer than recommended without checking back in with a mirror every so often. You don’t want to end up looking like Prince from Purple Rain!

Rinse with warm water only.

Now that you have carefully applied the hair color, it’s time to rinse. The best way to do this is with warm water only, not hot or cold. Warm water opens up the cuticle of your hair and allows the dye to penetrate fully into each strand. If you use hot or cold water as a rinse, you run the risk of causing bleaching on your scalp and lightening your hair too much. This can lead to uneven results and even damage if done incorrectly!

After rinsing out all of the dye from your head with warm water, gently towel dry it until it’s completely dry before checking out how well it turned out!

Then shampoo with shampoo and conditioner made for colored hair. Cold water is great for shutting down your pores, so rinse with cold water after conditioning. Follow up with color-treated hair products for best results.

After you towel dry your hair, lather it in shampoo and conditioner made for colored hair. Cold water is great for shutting down your pores, so rinse with cold water after conditioning. Follow up with color-treated hair products for best results.

Coloring your own hair is a breeze — and you’ll be glad you did.

Coloring your own hair is a breeze, and the cost savings will amaze you. It makes sense to save money by doing it yourself. First of all, you can do it whenever you want. You don’t have to schedule an appointment with a stylist or wait for them to be available (and then pay them). Second, the cost of using home hair dye kits is much cheaper than paying someone else!

And finally…coloring your own hair doesn’t take much time at all! Most box sets will tell you how long it takes before they’re ready for use…just follow their directions!

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