Brunettes Embrace the Copper Hair Trend

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Copper Hair Trend Overview

Copper hair color is a hot trend right now, and it’s not just for blondes. The brown-copper tones in this look are perfect for brunette women who want to go bold but aren’t ready to commit to full-on red.

Here are some things you should know about copper hair:

  • Copper hair is lighter than red hair. It has more of a golden touch than the deeper, almost burgundy tone that red often has.
  • Copper is a good choice for brunettes because it won’t wash them out or make them look washed out—it’s just right!
  • You can always add a bit more warmth by going with an ashier copper shade (like Simply Ash) or by toning down any brassiness that might occur over time (try Blondissimo).

Get Fall Ready With a Copper Hair Color

One of the best things about copper hair color is that it can be applied to any hair color, from black to blonde. However, if you have brunette or dark brown hair, this particular shade will look especially striking on you. The hue itself is a warm red-brown that’s perfect for fall and winter.

The first step in getting copper hair color onto your head is to find a salon that does great work with red tones. This can be difficult because not all salons offer this service—but don’t worry: there are plenty out there who do! Once you’ve found a salon (or two), book an appointment with their stylist and ask plenty of questions before committing to anything permanent. You want them to understand what kind of look you’re going for so they know what products they need beforehand; this way they’ll come prepared when it comes time for application day!

Copper Hair Colors for Brunettes in 2020

Copper hair is a warm, reddish-orange hair color. It’s a beautiful shade of red that pairs well with brunette skin tones, and it adds sparkle to any style. Copper hair color is an excellent choice for brunettes who want to try out a new look without going too bright or dark.

Copper looks great on dark browns, light browns or black hair—it’s flattering no matter what your natural hue is! You can even dye your eyebrows copper if they match the rest of your head; just be sure to pair it with neutral makeup so that you don’t end up looking like an extra from Mad Max: Fury Road (while this would be cool for Halloween parties or Burning Man costumes).

Is Copper Hair Right for You?

You can find out whether you are a warm or cool tone by mixing together two shades of foundation. The foundation that’s left over when you mix them together will tell you which category your skin falls into—whether it’s warm or cool.

If you have fair skin, it’s more likely that copper hair will look great against your complexion because copper is complementary to pale tones. And if your skin is darker than olive, I’d suggest avoiding this shade altogether as the result may come off as unflattering (think: washed-out). If that isn’t already enough to help convince you not to go for this color, here are some other reasons:

  • Your natural hair color may clash with the new hue. If you have dark hair and want to dye it red/copper, think again! The contrast between both colors can make one appear unnatural while making the other look dull and grayish in comparison—not exactly what we’re looking for when making such an important decision like this one! Your best bet would be finding another shade within brown family tree (like chocolate brown). Copper looks amazing on those who already have blonde highlights–but keep in mind these tend fade fairly quickly after washing so if they’re what’s stopping from committing fully then maybe try something less permanent like semi permanent dye instead?

How to Maintain Your Copper Blonde Hair Color

To maintain your copper blonde hair color, you’ll want to use a shampoo and conditioner that are both the same shade as your hair. The best way to do this is by buying them at a salon or beauty supply store. If you don’t have one near you, consider ordering some online.

If you prefer not to buy separate products for every part of your body (why not just buy one bottle and use it on everything?), then I recommend using an all-in-one product like L’Oreal Professional Mythic Oil Elixir Shampoo & Conditioner ($15). It will give your hair nourishment without stripping it of its natural oils like most other shampoos do! It also smells great too which is always important when trying out new products 😉

If possible try not using any heat tools on it at all because they suck all moisture out leaving nothing left but brittle straws underneath.”

Looking after your hair at home

  • Buy a good quality shampoo and conditioner. Shampoos and conditioners with sulfates can strip color from your hair, so look for ones labeled “sulfate free” or “color safe.”
  • Use a hair mask once a week. I like to use something like [this] ( because it adds moisture to my hair without weighing it down or making it greasy.
  • Dry your hair gently with a towel rather than scrubbing it roughly with a terrycloth one—you’ll be able to get more volume this way! Also, don’t forget that heat is the enemy of healthy locks so use heat protectant every time you blow dry or straighten your copper locks!
  • Get trims every 6–8 weeks—this helps keep split ends at bay and keeps your color looking fresh longer!

Learn more about the copper hair color trend, and if it’s right for you.

Copper hair is a stunning color that can be achieved through the use of dyes, or even by using highlights.

It’s a great option for brunettes who want to add something new and exciting to their look, as it will instantly give them an eye-catching appearance.

But while copper hair might sound like a good idea on paper, there are some things you should know before making the plunge into this trend.

For instance: do you have fine or thick hair? Are you more concerned about getting rid of your unwanted grey hairs than adding some color? These are all questions that need answering before committing to any sort of change in your appearance!

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