9 Tips to Help You Fall in Love With Your Hair Again

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Look for products that are rich in moisture.

Moisturizing products are a must for dry hair.

Moisture is the key to healthy hair. It helps keep your locks looking smooth and shiny, and keeps them from getting frizzy. Moisture also allows the cuticle layers of each strand of hair to remain flat against one another, which makes it easier to comb through tangles or braid.

Do a hot oil treatment once a week.

Do a hot oil treatment once a week.

This is an excellent way to boost moisture, repair damage and create the perfect canvas for styling your hair. A hot oil treatment involves applying the oil directly onto wet hair, then covering with a plastic cap or towel for about 15 minutes before rinsing it out. You can also do this at night before washing your hair in the morning (use a more emollient oil such as almond).


  • Adds shine and softness to dry strands
  • Repairs damaged ends

Find the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to grow their hair longer is that they skimp on the conditioner. They use cheap, drug store brands and don’t look at the ingredients list. The result? A dry, brittle, tangled mess of hair that gets caught in everything it touches. The solution? Find a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner for your hair type (there are tons out there), then use it religiously from now on.

Next up: natural products! If you have super curly hair like me (and if you’re reading this article, chances are good), then using all natural products might be best for you as well. I love coconut oil as a deep conditioner and styling aid—it leaves my locks soft as silk without weighing them down or making my scalp greasy (which can happen with other oils). And did I mention how great smelling coconut oil is? It’s one of my favorite scents in all of nature…

If you have damaged hair, start wearing hair masks instead of a regular conditioner.

If you’re like me and constantly on the go, it can be hard to remember to do things like condition your hair. But whatever the reason for your lack of proper haircare (I mean, I get it—sometimes my dog needs a walk), using a hair mask once a week in place of regular conditioner will make your locks feel soft and shiny without taking up too much time.

Just follow these steps:

  • Wash and towel-dry your hair as usual.
  • Apply the mask sparingly all over at least four inches from scalp length down (or longer if you have long hair). Leave on for 10–30 minutes; then wash out with warm water. Try not to use heat on your locks too often—it damages them even more than washing would!

When it comes to styling your hair, try to avoid high heat.

  • When it comes to styling your hair, try to avoid high heat. If you’re using a flat iron or curling iron, use the lowest setting possible and always remember to use a heat protectant spray before hand.
  • When blow-drying your hair, be sure that you are not putting too much pressure on your head because this can cause breakage in the long run. Try using a diffuser instead of holding it directly above yourself while blowing out; this will help reduce frizz and add volume at the same time!

Create a nighttime hair routine.

  • Create a nighttime hair routine.

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to stick to your nightly hair care routine in order to keep your locks looking healthy and fresh every morning. If you want to make sure that you’re doing all the right things at night before you fall asleep, try these tips: Use a silk or satin pillowcase so that it doesn’t tug on your hair throughout the night; braid or bun your strands before bedtime; and apply a nourishing hair mask just before crawling into bed. And remember this one important rule: No brushing! Brushing tangles into the ends of wet strands will cause breakage and split ends—and we all know how much we hate those!

Find the right haircut for your face shape and personality.

A good haircut is one of the best ways to make a style statement. It can transform your look and take years off your face, but finding the right one for you can be tricky.

The first thing to do is consider what shape your face is—is it rounder? Longer? More angular? Consider how much time you are willing to spend on styling it each morning (if at all), and think about whether or not you have time for regular trims. If you work in an office or have a family, perhaps greasy hair isn’t an option. Once you’ve settled on some basic criteria, consult with a professional who can guide you towards the right cut for your needs and personality.

A good haircut should complement both your features and lifestyle so that it suits both day-to-day life as well as special occasions when more attention is paid to appearances. Many people find that having multiple styles available will make them feel happier with themselves overall because they don’t feel confined by one particular style—and if there’s something about yourself that makes getting dressed each morning feel like hard work then there’s no point spending money on expensive hair products!

Take supplements that are good for your hair, such as collagen and biotin.

  • Biotin: This vitamin is effective at promoting hair growth and strengthening the roots of your hair, so it can be beneficial for people with thinning hair or bald spots. You can find biotin in eggs, liver and peanut butter.
  • Collagen: The protein found in bone marrow, cartilage and tendons helps keep skin supple by supporting elasticity in the skin. It’s also an essential component of hairspray because it makes hair more pliable so that you can style it easily without damaging it.
  • Other supplements to consider taking that are good for your hair include vitamin C (found in tomatoes), vitamin D (found in salmon) and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like tuna or salmon). If you want to take supplements regularly, consult a doctor first! Side effects include nausea or vomiting as well as diarrhea among others so make sure you talk this over before starting any new regimen.”

Don’t stress out over what you can’t change!

Don’t stress out over what you can’t change. If you have thinning or damaged hair, it’s not something that will fix itself overnight. It takes time to grow new hair and even more time to thicken existing strands. When you’re feeling frustrated by your current state, remind yourself that there are only two things that are in your control: how well you care for your hair and how regularly you get haircuts.

The best way to take care of your locks is by finding a routine that works for both the length and type of hair that grows on top of our heads (or wherever else). For example, if yours is long and thick with a tendency toward frizziness when exposed to humidity then try using products that help tame those unruly curls while keeping them moisturized so they aren’t prone to breakage due to over-stretching every time they’re brushed out after washing them!

Taking care of your hair is important in order to look good and feel good about yourself.

Taking care of your hair is important in order to look good and feel good about yourself. Your hair is a reflection of who you are, whether it’s short or long, curly or straight, black or blonde, boyish or feminine. Hair care is important to your self-esteem and self-image—it helps you feel confident and attractive.

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