7 Tips on How To Maintain Perfect Brown Hair

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Try a hair gloss.

A hair gloss is a great way to keep your color looking fresh, especially if you want to avoid going to the salon every few weeks. If your hair is dry, it can really help add moisture back into your strands and keep them healthy. It also makes the color more vibrant and glowing!

Hair glosses come in several different forms. Some are spray-on formulas that will go on wet and be absorbed by your roots so they don’t leave behind any residue or build up on the scalp; others are lotions that contain ingredients like coconut oil or argan oil that nourish the hair from root to tip (and even give it some shine).

To use one of these products: apply directly onto damp locks (around 1/4 inch away from ends) before styling as usual—or try this trick: if you’re doing a blowout after getting out of shower, put in just enough product so that when you brush through with a wide tooth comb afterwards there won’t be any white flakes left behind!

Use a purple shampoo.

To prevent your hair from becoming brassy, you should use a purple shampoo. Purple shampoos are used to neutralize yellow tones and maintain the color of your shade. They can also be used before toning to make sure you get the perfect brown hair.

Use this product once a week at most. If you use it more than once a week, it can strip away too much moisture from your tresses and make them dry looking or break off easily (especially if they are naturally curly).

You do not have to worry about using conditioner after using the purple shampoo because it contains conditioners in it already! Make sure that you apply enough product though so that all of your strands get covered evenly with no missed spots left behind on any surface area of skin around which could potentially cause irritation or discomfort later on down road when someone else touches them accidentally with their hands while trying out new ways in which color might come back again one day soon for example maybe even two years later during another holiday season where everything seemed so good before then again happened again today but there wasn’t really anything wrong at all just some bad luck!”

Get regular trims and treatments.

Getting regular trims is one of the best ways to maintain your color. Not only do they help you keep your hair healthy, but they also prevent split ends and keep your color looking fresh.

Trimming the damaged ends of your hair can be crucial for maintaining your color as well. If you don’t want to cut too much off, consider getting a small trim every two weeks or so just to remove any split ends and give yourself some freshness. You can also see if there are any new growths happening on the lower half of your head – if there are, use some texturizing scissors to snip them off right at their base before they have a chance to grow into full-fledged roots (and become more noticeable).

To keep up with this maintenance schedule easily, set an alarm reminder on Google Calendar once a week so that you remember when it’s time for another trim!

Be mindful of lighting.

It’s important to note that you may not get a true representation of your hair color in all lighting conditions. While we can do our best to tweak and adjust for our surroundings, it’s important to be mindful of the various lights you’re in. For example, if your hair is tinged with red under incandescent light but looks more golden under florescent lighting, then even if you love the florescent look, it may not be what others see when they see you in normal or incandescent light.

It’s also crucial to keep this in mind when taking pictures of yourself or having photos taken professionally (especially those used online). If you want an accurate portrayal of how your brown hair looks at any given moment—whether on social media or as part of an ad campaign—make sure that both sides of your face are lit evenly before snapping away!

Wash with lukewarm water.

There are many benefits to washing with lukewarm water. The first is that it helps to seal in moisture, making hair shine and smooth. Another is that cold water seals in the color—that’s right, if you use cooler water, it will help protect your color from fading!

Another great benefit of using warm (not hot) water when washing your hair is that it keeps the cuticles closed. This helps prevent the hair from becoming frizzy or damaged by brushing or styling tools such as straighteners and curling irons.

If you want to keep your locks looking healthy and shiny, try using a shampoo with neutral pH balance so as not to damage them further by opening up their cuticles too much once again after rinsing out products like conditioners which tend towards being more acidic (which makes sense since they’re meant for cleaning).

Get rid of hard water buildup.

Hard water can make your hair look dull and feel dry and brittle. Plus, it’s also a major cause of color fading. To see what I mean, look at your hair under a microscope: hard water will leave behind mineral deposits on the cuticle of your strands that prevent moisture from penetrating into the core of each strand, which makes them appear duller than they should be.

To get rid of this buildup, use a clarifying shampoo once every week or so (or as needed). This will help get rid of any buildup on your scalp but also make sure that you’re getting all the excess minerals out of your hair when you wash it—no matter how great their pH balance is! Also make sure to rinse very well after using this product because any leftover residue could cause more problems down the road!

If vinegar isn’t enough for you then I’d recommend trying an apple cider vinegar rinse after shampooing with a clarifying shampoo (especially if you have fine tresses). Simply add 1 tablespoon ACV with 2 cups water in an empty spray bottle then apply liberally before rinsing thoroughly. This should help soften up even more over time while also adding shine back into any dull strands left behind by minerals while preventing future buildup so they won’t look so flat anymore either!

And lastly here’s some extra tips from me 🙂 If possible avoid taking showers/baths in hard water areas like rustic cabins during summertime holidays where there are lots of dirt particles floating around in outdoor showers/tubs; otherwise try switching over to filtered waters such as those found at home or office settings instead which might be less harmful than regular ones due to lower concentrations levels found inside pipes connecting them together–especially if someone else lives nearby who drinks tea regularly too often throughout day-to-day life cycles.”

Protect your hair from the sun.

If you are outdoors a lot, consider protecting your hair from the sun. Your hair can be damaged by exposure to UV rays, so wear a hat or scarf if possible. Apply sunscreen to any exposed skin and use an SPF spray or conditioner that contains UV protection on your scalp as well. If you have long hair, put it in a braid or ponytail when outside for extended periods of time.

If you are swimming, tie up your hair before taking off into the water; this will help prevent chlorine damage from ruining your color! Finally, consider wearing protective clothing to avoid getting splashed by pool water or ocean waves while you swim!

You can maintain your beautiful brown color and protect your hair!

It’s a great idea to do a little research on how to maintain your beautiful brown color. This can help protect your hair from the brassy look that comes from hard water. If you live in an area with hard water, it’s important to use products that will help remove minerals from your hair (like shampoo or conditioner). You should also avoid using tools that use too much heat. For example: curling irons and flat irons should be used sparingly as they may cause damage if used too often. Try using thermal protectant sprays or serums which will help prevent damage when using hot styling tools!

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